Monday, July 7, 2008

First days and impressions

I really like it here, but the weather has been miserable. For any of you reading this in Alabama, the peak of summer weather here is much like it is there in February! It is cold and it has been raining on an off (every hour or 2) since I've arrived. I’m very glad I brought a nice warm jacked CARRY ON! But, despite the weather it’s pretty cool here.
I had some time yesterday afternoon to go on a nice long walk and explore some of the area around my dorm and it is just lovely!

Now for the baggage update... As of yesterday all they could tell me is that maybe it could be that possibly my bag will be on a plane some time and maybe get to London sometime this week.... Not exactly what I wanted to hear... So I waited all day today... didn’t hear anything..... Called when I got back in from class... They said that they are optimistic.... Well while I was typing up this entry my aunt called and said that the baggage currier had called her and my bag is on its way! I should have it in the next hour or two!

Well that’s about it for now... I'm about to go to a department reception and schmooze for a bit. I will post some pictures later tonight!

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