Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So hopefully this is the last entry concerning lost luggage... Im sure it is not that interesting to read about, because I know it is not that interesting to write about!

So the luggage drama continues... Long story short it will be yet another day before the luggage is delivered to me... they sent it to the wrong address and left it there! (Im sure that soon this will all be funny!:) )

Last night there was a reception for all the econ. folks in the summer school. There were lots of nice people and good conversations. But strangely enough I ran into someone I went to high school with! lol of all the places to run into an old classmate :) Its just another reminder that this really is a pretty small world!

The class is shaping up to be pretty intense. Today I realized that I do NOT have the necessary prerequisites for the course so I’m trying to teach myself what I’m missing. I don’t think that it will be too hard to play catch-up :) We had our first STATA day in the lab, and that went swimmingly! The first assignment was very very simple and I was able to get out in about 10 min! I’m very glad to have at least a little experience with the STATA stuff to make up for my lack of experience in the other areas of the class.

I went on an adventure to SOHO after class this afternoon. I had a really nice time wondering around and people watching. Hopefully this weekend I will have a lot of time to really explore!


Anonymous said...

kristen! i miss you so much! i just found your blog but i will read it religiously from now on. Be sure to interject some British slang, as I've never encountered it in real life. OMG Counting Crows! I love them. I might be having a party tomorrow at my FABULOUS new apartment, and we will definitely toast to you. Everyone misses you!
Love, Audrey

Anonymous said...

I hope that you will post a photo of your luggage when it finally arrives! (kidding - kind of...) Miss You! Love, Mom.